Wednesday, July 2, 2008

When and how, where and why

The title to this blog pertains to dating and what my calling is.
This blog is a little personal, but i only put it up here because I honestly want a godly perspective and know those who read this can understand my heart. If you have any imput at all, please please share. It doesn't have to be on here, it can be in person.

Here let me state that I am completely unsure of when to date, and what/where/when/how my calling will show itself.- But yet, they both demand answers from me daily.

I've made one too many mistakes in the dating area of my life- which should be nonexistent until now, but thats not the point... Now that I am walking with God and yearning to know the calling of God in my life- I am still unsure as to whether or not I should even start thinking about the dating area of my life. I know that with some other people, it just happens. But I don't want it to just happen with me, i want to hear God say yes. But, I don't hear Him say yes, or no. I'm content with being single.. But the question I face is- how do i determine when my heart is ready for a godly relationship? Also, how do I know if the other party is ready for a godly relationship?

+ Romans 12:9, 13:8-10: I cant date until i can date without having the motive of making myself feel good. Age doesn't determine your readiness for dating but your attitude(maturity) does. (compliments of cherry puff)

I am so over the stupid, shallowness of liking and wanting to be liked for the sake of feeling good. I've been through all the bone headed mistakes enough to know what the wrong motives are in starting a relationship. I'm so sick of self-centered/ flesh feeding friendships/relationships and I can honestly state that that is exactly what I do not want. Yet, I know that there are still soooo many things that I do not know

Do I seek Godly counsel?
Do I pray and make no decisions till I receive a clear answer from God?
Is it right to expect a clear answer from God?
Do I completely forget about this area of my life until I know what God is calling me to do with my life?

I know that age does not determine readiness for dating. Am I mature enough?

Onto my calling.

I'm 18! Still, I have absolutely no idea what God wants to do with my life. At YFN, I started having an eagerness to know this question. I don't want to waste God's time. I know that none of you can help me determine the answer to that question. I am excited though, because I feel strongly in my heart that God will soon reveal what He wants to do with my life, or, atleast with the months ahead of me, because I've never had such an earnestness in prayer to know the answers to this question.

Anyways, now I feel like I've made this blog way too long.. If you have any imput, it would be much appreciated.



specialkae said...

haha this is so what we just talked about! and I said all the stuff BEFORE I read the blog. My advice is if you don't know if you're ready to're not. God will make it loud and clear when its the right time and the right person and if its not clear then its not God. =)

Raven-Haired Girl said...

thank you!! that makes so much sense. God will show me the timing. I love talking about things that matter... It is a relief to know someone in this universe can give a godly answer to this question

Raven-Haired Girl said...

Actually, our conversation last night was totally God, because it answered alot of my questions...