Monday, July 14, 2008

Day 2 in NYC!

Monday was just wayyyyyy too interesting/fun/tiring.. So I have to blog about it.

After we woke up and ate breakfast and got changed and what not... We met up with Elmer on Jamaica Avenue. Jamel warned me that I would be stared at.... Considering that I was basically the only white person on the whole entire bus. Dude! Some people have complexes okay? I got on the bus, sat down, and felt extremely awkward. I didn't think it was awkward because I was the only white person there, I felt awkward because everyone on the bus was staring at me because I was the only white person there. Whats so freaking interesting about my skin color? Okay, yes! I am white. Actually... I am probably more whiter than most people. I have to say, I was a bit freaked out while on the bus ride. It really wasn't all that bad, I delt with it... But there was this elderly black woman who had to have been seriously out of her mind. She kept mumbling and ranting about something that she was apparently really upset about... But it was like she was talking to someone else, only no one else was listening. I kinda questioned her sanity, but then I figured that out of all these people in this city, she wasn't as crazy as some. Anyways... We made it to Jamaica Avenue.

I thought the bus ride was bad, imagine walking around a huge NYC avenue/section/area thing and being the ONLY white person there. If all of them were nice and respectable people then I wouldn't really have a problem.. Because I don't have anything against people for their race. But half of them looked like drug dealers, theives, and thugs. Actually... Jamel walked in front of me while Elmer walked behind me just to protect me. Thats a little freaky! Imagine that.. I should have known Jamaica Avenue would be dangerous. You are probably wondering why we were on Jamaica avenue... And even if you weren't- thats ok! Lol. Jamel always talks up Nyc for the cheap prices on clothing.. But you have to go to certain areas. Jamaica was one of those areas. But I didn't really wanna stay there for long so we headed to downtown Manhattan and looked around for awhile. I bought a couple things, even a purse in Chinatown which is really cute by the way... By the time we made it to Chinatown it was already 8 pm- which is crazy. Time really flies when your in the city. Anyways.. It was funnnnn!! Tomorrow the Bronx! I think I'm starting to enjoy the city. Don't worry, I have no plans of living here. I love my Church and I love my people, and I love my quiet little college town! Later C:

Clinging, Keeping, Finishing- Kaiti.

1 comment:

Naomi Elle Schwartz said...

sounds ridiculously fun!! I wanna go to NYC!! :)