Monday, July 7, 2008

Christ First!

I have been so encouraged in the past two weeks than i think I have been in the previous 3 months. On multiple days this week I got to talk to some of my lovelies about things I sometimes believe... I only struggle with. God's been showing me alot about how I tend to allow other peoples convictions dictate my life. Sometimes I get so caught up in following my godly examples that I end up following them, instead of ultimately following Christ. I was reminded and encouraged to know that the convictions of others do not always have to line up with my convictions, and I'm not any less spiritual or committing sin because I do not feel convicted about certain particular things that other people do. I forget sometimes that God works and moves through people and gives them convictions according to their strengths and weaknesses, and of course, on the other hand.. Because God has shown them more of His holiness that He has not yet shown me. All I know is that now I won't follow others convictions in my life until God shows me if something is truly wrong in His sight. (sidenote; this does not apply to clearly marked rights and wrongs in the word of God)

God's also shown me that I worry so much about things without praying them through first. Now to every worry of mine i'll ask myself.... Have i prayed? Have I sought God's face?

I need to walk in His presence so that I am not dictated and ruled by my flesh. I shouldn't have to worry about all the unanswered questions and wonders of my life because God is faithful to lead me and to guide me if i only trust in Him. He'll show me what is right in His sight. If I don't hear Him say yes, I won't do it. If I hear Him say no... I go no where near it. But first and foremost, in all of my decisions, I must consult to Christ FIRST. I must follow Christ FIRST. I must spill my guts out to Christ FIRST. I must trust Christ FIRST. FIRST FIRST FIRST.

Christ first seems to be the theme of this blog. I know its late, but I had to spill this out in my blog because I always seem to type faster than I write, and I desperately need sleep and I need to get this into words so that I do not forget what Christ has shown me. i hope you all are blessed,

Raven-haired girl...

1 comment:

specialkae said...

I'm so excited you're in college cell now!!! =) I love the things we talk about