Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I am blessed.

Life is so full of suprises; some good, some bad. But in Christ, all the good is great and all the bad is used for good to those who love Him. I'm encouraged. Amidst all the problems, God has been so good to me. I am so blessed to have so many godly friends in Christ who are here in prayer and in company.

Sunday was awesome spending time with people up on the mountain. It was so beautiful. Its hard for me to fathom how God created beautiful things like mountains, and yet still payed attention to the small details of me. I am sooo greatful for the people God has placed in my life who can give me godly counsel and wisdom in the harder areas in my life, such as looking for a full time job without having my GED yet. I am just encouraged. I made some seriously stupid mistakes but yet God is helping me along and getting me back to where I need to be. I used to seriously freak out about the years ahead because I just wish I could know whats coming. I learned that God didn't make things that way just for the purpose of helping me to trust in Him more completely. He definitely helped my attitude. I have opportunities, I just need to apply adequate effort in making my resume (with a little help from the blondie =D) and scheduling to take my GED classes in the fall at state high. By the end of this year I should have my diploma, and hopefully (crosses fingers, and prays) a FULL TIME job at Penn state.

1 comment:

specialkae said...

I am reminded of a song we sang on sunday "All things are possible!" God will bless your hard work and dedication and although you've made mistakes in the past (just like us all) your future is in the hands of God =) Let me know when you need any help!