Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Not even a hint....

This ones gonna be short only because I like sleep.

Not Even a Hint by Joshua Harris
is such a good book.

So convicting; so encouraging.
So helpful. Sometimes its good to take a hard look at yourself through the eyes of Christ to see all the things we let creep into us. Like...

Needing to feel beautiful in order to be accepted in this world
Needing to be a certain waist size for the sole fact that media dipicts it as normal, when its actually... Anorexic.
Making a plan of action in order to avoid situation where temptation to lust occurs.

Who ever knew the practical would be so helpful to daily living?

Also, the good reminder of the way God intended me to be, and the way the world distorts it.
Its late, so sorry if this isn't making much sense. if you've read the book, i suppose you might know what I mean.

<3 night!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Helloooooo out there...

I am now officially registered to vote. =D

thought I'd announce that!

Secondly, I'd like to state that this blog's dedicated to my readers. Who are you? Do you enjoy reading my blog? Amusing? Confusing? Should I write about different things? Hm? What would you like to hear more about? Its good to have input considering I have no clue if this blog is just using internet space, lol but thats shows how much I know. I bet the internet could go on 934867934876294679248769247692476 g.

Thanks <3 Comment!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Knowing His mystery

"Kaitlin, I love you. You don't need to do it all, I will do it for you." Someone close to me told me God wanted them to tell me this. I had to step back and re-evaluate my life a week or so ago. In doing so, I realized that somehow the love I once had for Christ had faded. When I heard these words, they were like a jolt to my heart. Why do I always feel like I need to do it all for God? Why am I always thinking my efforts are good enough? I had lost my focus. I am nothing without Christ and all that He is through me is enough. How could I ever think that if I just "read more of my bible," or "prayed longer" that somehow I would be more spiritually intimate with my creator? I felt like such a fool. In my mind I had looked at Christ in the eyes of any worldly relationship. The relationship that "loves only when feeling loved." Hearing that Christ loves me made me re-evaluate everything. Its crazy. I know the Lord loves me. But somehow, within all the craziness of my life I had lost focus of how perfect His love is for me.

Had I lost my seriousness? Had I lost my passion? Just hearing that Christ desires to be close to me as well as me desiring to be close to Christ made my heart and my mind wander. For once in my life there is a song that describes perfectly the way I felt.

Mystery~ Phil Wickham

Here in the Quiet speak to me now

My ears are open to
Your gentle sweet whispering
Break down the door, come inside
Shine down Your bright light
I need a lamp for my feet, I need a lamp for my feet

I want to hear the thunder of who You are
To be captured inside the wonder of who You are
I want to live I want to breathe
To search out Your heart and all of Your mysteries

You were the first and You’ll be the end
Time cannot hold You down
Why save a wretch like me?
No eye has seen, no ear has heard
No heart could fully know
All of Your mystery

Your glory burns in the stars
Shine down your light let it burn in my heart
Bring me to glory, bring me to you
Lord it’s your heart that I will hold onto

Your glory burns in the stars
Shine down Your light let me know who You are
Jesus, Your glory burns in the stars
Shine down Your light, let me see You, let me see You

Monday, September 8, 2008

Taking care of your body

It occured to me within the last couple months... While looking at the mirror and my eating habbits; I need to get in shape. Don't get me wrong. This thought hadn't occurred to me because I wanted to "look great" even though looking okay is a plus, but I started thinking about how its godly to be in shape. I never really considered that healthy eating habits and daily excercise was in fact glorifying to God, but I am now convinced otherwise. How exactly does eating healthy and physically taking good care of my body bring more glory to Christ?

1. Its a good witness. Being on the outside, looking in... I always admired someone who was serious about eating right and taking good care of their body because it showed their self discipline. Getting in shape isn't easy, its hard work... But now while I'm either running on the treadmill at the gym or doing crunches, I remember that i can't give up because its "not everything to be in shape," but rather, "Being in shape shows good character, self-discipline, and ultimately brings more glory to Christ (as long as pride is out of the picture)."

2. It helps prevent laziness. When a Christian is determined to take care of the body that the Lord gave them, they will work hard to get in shape, or exercise to maintain their physical fitness. A lazy person won't wanna do anything that makes them uncomfortable... And after you start feeling the "burn" your flesh really isn't feeling like going on.... As Christians, we represent Christ. A lazy person is not a godly person, and if we represent Christ, we must not be lazy! Feel the burn, embrace the burn, push past it! And continue on.....

3. It is a good witness to those who look up to you spiritually, even height wise, and in the future... Maybe even your kids! It sets a good example. I know when I am a mom (someday) I want to set a good example for my children by eating right and taking care of the body that Christ gave me.

Things to be careful of...

- . Looking good just to look good is feeding to the flesh and results in pride. Thats a bad witness.
- . Taking care of your body for attention. Also pride
- . Becoming obsessed with your body and what you take in. I remember the bible saying that it is not what you consume that makes you who you are.

And I'll be like bev and say, well! Thats my blurb on taking care of your body! =]

Set the example!