Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Are you hungry?

I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him."Lamentation 3:24

How long have we sat at His table? The hungry to not leave.

But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love,Psalm 33:18

Is He our hope. our strength, our song? Is He our portion? Do we wait like hungry children? Do you wait in the prayer closet, in the quiet, to hear and be filled with the joy of His presence?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Take My Life

Lately, I've been meditating on how precious it is to know Jesus. How is it that we can be intimately involved with the creator of all things? It blows my mind. I was listening to some of Kate Conlons music, and this song touched me. Its called, "Take my life." Alot of times I look at myself and my actions and my attitudes and then I see the Lord and His character.. And I do not feel worthy. But yet in my heart, I wanna be the woman that is sitting at the Lords feet. I wanna be the woman consumed with knowing the heart of God. Am I that woman?

Take My Life by Kate Conlon
I wanna be the one that you can see
I wanna be the woman at your feet
I want to know that if I touch you I am healed
I wanna feel you washing over me

Take my life
Use it for your will
Take it all, big or small
I give it to You

I can feel your heart, it beats for me
I can almost taste the tears you cried as the nails went through your feet.
She cries, "Oh God I will never understand what you've done for me.
But I'll give you back what you gave to me."

Take my life
Use it for your will
Take it all, big or small
I give it, take my life.

I wanna be the one that you can see
I wanna be the woman at your feet.
I want to feel you washing over me.
I want to feel you washing over me.

Are you the one sitting at the feet of the Lord?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The art of Surrendering

Well its definitely been awhile since I last posted something. I'm not really a blog type of person but every once in awhile I get inspiration to record the things that God has shown me in hopes it might encourage someone.. And even if there is no one who reads, I like looking back on it and remembering.

God has been teaching me alot about surrender. You know that song that goes, "All to Jesus, I surrender, humbly at His feet i bow. Worldly pleasures all forsaken, take me Jesus take me now. I surrender all... I surrender all. All to thee my blessed savior, I surrender all." ? I love that song. Its too bad that its not nearly as easy to do as it is to sing Sunday morning during worship. What does it really mean to surrender? Well it could mean alot of things for alot of different people. I could be giving up things that have caused strongholds in a persons life. It could be breaking off relationships that are hindering our walk with God. It could even mean spending less time on the internet and more time in Gods presence.

For me it meant being honest with myself.

The bible says that there is not one who does good. Don't get me wrong.. Whenever a person decides to follow the Lord, he puts a new nature in us and gives us a spirit of righteousness. We become righteous by the blood of Christ. Its nothing we do, besides surrendering. But whenever there are things that still need to be surrendered, theres parts of our heart that need to be changed.

Its not enough to just cut out the thorns in our lives that distract us from the Lord. If it is so hard to give up, we should take a good look at our heart. Admit it. Admit that your heart doesnt want to give up something so stupid in order to be closer to the Lord. However sad the truth of our motives are, we ought to realize that God knows the deepest parts of wickedness that lie in our hearts. Surrendering for myself meant that I had to take a look at what God expected of me, and how I didn't match up. It meant that I had to realize I could make as many rules for myself and I could make all the changes in the world.. But if I was not changed by God, I would eventually find myself in that same miserable pit that I swore I would never walk back into.

The heart of man is so desperately wicked. We ought to remind ourselves that there is not one ounce of good in us apart from God. God has been showing me in a very painful-end-of-myself way that I was foolish to think that I could make good out of horrible situations without the Lord. He is the definition of good. He is always faithful and always good in all that He does. It was my pride that kept me in my pit and pride that was caging me there.

Lose yourself, gain Christ.

"Your will above all else
My purpose remains
The art of losing myself
In bringing you praise"

There is no life away from You. <3

Monday, May 25, 2009

Acknowledge Him.

"What do you think?" After months of hardship and struggling... I had just finished pouring my heart out to a friend only to find that the release I had been expecting did not appear. Why do hard and painful things happen to those who love and follow the Lord?

2 Timothy 2:3 - Suffer hardship with me as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.

One of the biggest misconceptions in the Christian world is that when we choose to follow Christ, we will have a pain and carefree life full of nothing but good. If that were the case.. Then why did God tell us that as a good soldier of Jesus... We will suffer hardship? The reason so many Christians get burned so much is because we do not realize that we ARE soldiers. We are in the midst of the biggest battle (the war over our souls.) On Sunday I had the pleasure of hearing an evangelist preach. I never thought the word would hit me this hard. Its amazing how the word always seems to clearly show our stupidity. We think we have it all right! While hardships happen.. People have grown accustomed to going to God and asking Him to take those hardships away. Many of us seem to not understand that the Lord HAS A PLAN and wants to DO A WORK in us. There is purpose to all He does.

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way' (Ps 37:23)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths (Pro 3:5)

This is where the title of this blog comes into play. God's word is so simple! But we make it so complicated. We try to develop formulas that will lessen our hardship in this life..We lean upon our own understanding. But if we would stop and acknowledge the Lord in every area of our life, we would see the direction of the Lord.. and we would see His plan. Instead.. When we experience any level or amount of confusion or pain.. We run to our brothers and sisters in the Lord for advice before seeking the counsel and direction from the one who has led us to that very place to begin with! Why is it so hard for us to trust the Lord? Don't get me wrong.. It is good to seek counsel and advice from our brothers and sisters in the Lord. But when we go through hardships... Isn't it true that the one who will understand and know the best is the Lord? He is the one that is directing and guiding our steps.. That is, if we have been acknowledging Him in all of our ways. I can look back at so many instances in my life where I have asked the Lord why something has happened.. And have gotten no answer. Now I see in hindsight that it was my failure to acknowledge the Lord in everything.

Practical Christianity! The word of God is so good.. It is so true. We make so much more hardships for ourself when we fail to DO the word practically in this life. How can God direct our steps if we haven't even been acknowledging Him in all of our ways?


Not just in the area of what career to Pursue. Not just in the area of what to say on Sunday morning. IN EVERYTHING WE DO.

When we start acknowledging the Lord in everything.. Only then can the Lord use us in a mighty way. So when you experience hardship in this life.. Look to the Lord and trust. Know that He has a plan and allow Him to do a work in you because God will use anything that appears bad for the good of those that love the Lord.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Selfish Christianity

I've been thinking about the spiritual state of America. Please bear with me though.. Because I know I'm not the most eloquent person when it comes to writing. And I don't always feel like i have important things to say. But I know this is important. I know because it was layed upon my heart... So hard that I literally almost cried. It struck me today how I'm so much more concerned with the details of my own life that I don't see the pain around me. Don't get me wrong. Its not living in America that makes me selfish.. Its just that we've taken all of our blessings for granted.. and the majority of America has picked the curse over the blessing.
While I pop out my 80g ipod and listen to music.. Or sit down at the laptop browsing on the internet.. Or sitting at the dinner table eating food... With my family. I forget that there are people with no homes. There are families breaking their backs so that their children can have food to keep them alive. There are even little children who are afraid to come home from school.. Because their dad will assault them sexually or abusively. It makes me so angry how arrogant the people in this country are. It makes me even more upset to look at my own heart and see how I have taken for granted almost all the things the Lord has blessed me with. How selfish are we? But of course.. Its easy to say that this world is in grave sin.. And we are all in need of a savior.. But does that mean we forget about everyone elses pain but our own?

I've been taking a real look at my life. I've been thinking about what profession to pursue.. Where God wants me. How He will use me. Before... It was. What am I interested in? What career would I love to do? Make alot of money?

But thats the problem with the main mentality of America. What will make ME happy? What will give ME the most money? Its centered upon I. Its so self-centered. Why would the Lord bless you with all these things... To have you use it for yourself? What happened to our hearts guys? Ask the Lord to open your eyes up to the pain that is going on around you. Those who do not have the Lord have no hope. These are the people Jesus reached out to. What are we doing with this life? Maybe that isn't the question we should ask ourself. The real question is.. What aren't we doing?

I'm so tired of living for me. I've waisted so many years.. So many chances to show someone Christ; to show someone that there is HOPE. I have it so easy. I have a family that loves me.. A job. A body of believers who continually encourage and support me. But what am I doing to show someone Christ?

Christians don't forget your calling!
Don't stop praying. Don't stop sharing.
Stop being selfish, start really loving people.

How much does the Lord's heart break over America alone?
Think about it.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Psalm to the Lord, if only I were more musically inclined..

The music begins as i fade into that place
My hands float up, as you whisper to me
How is it that You love me?
I recall the other day when I had no time to speak with You
Other things stole my attention.
Other worries swept me away,
Yet You came close to me. As You came near,
My throat began to have that achy feeling.

I feel ashamed for the times I felt like i knew best.
You still move. As You move You amaze me.
All those times I've betrayed You;
Yet Your love sweeps over me.
I know then there is no contest.
Truly, there is not one other being in this universe like You.
Theres not one soul who can know me like You do.
You are intimately acquainted with all my thoughts and intentions.

While You are near, I see how unclean I am.
How can one ever be proud when in the midst of Your presence?
Your character and Your wisdom leave me speechless.
You are so much more complex than I know.
You have this mystery about you that leaves me pondering at night.
In the pages of Your word lies sweet knowledge and wisdom.
In the prayer closet theres an intimacy this world can not duplicate.
You Amaze me.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Some theories/convictions/opinions/revelations

It seems like I've really gotten into History alot as of lately... In school, I've always been the one with a "C" in history. I can't really say why. I guess in my brain i know it is factual, but when I read it on paper, its not real to me. You know what I mean? I must not let my mind imagine it.. so therefore, its kinda like a really boring story from a long, long time ago that doesn't really apply to me. I think my eyes are opening...

My friends invited me to go down to Va to stay with some really awesome people, go to church, and also explore the DC area and visit Mt.Vernon. I haven't really put much thought to our founding forefathers. All I ever said on the matter was that the ten commandments were used in a court house, so the people must have been godly. Little did I know that George Washington, our first president, was a mason. I can't tell you if his soul is in heaven or hell... But what I can tell you is my opinion on the matter. (The fact that I have an opinion on history is improvement to me lol) I always just assumed George Washington was a Christian. While some friends and I were at Mt.Vernon, we also stopped by the tomb where his body was kept. There was a guy there who talked a little, and answered questions if there were any... I asked him if history claims George Washington was a Christian. He answered saying that never once did Washington refer to God as Jesus Christ. He also said that up until a certain point, Washington faithfully attended a Christian non-denominational church. But after that point, he never attended that church since. I know the bible says that there is only one mediator between us and God, and that is Jesus. I got the impression that during that era, religion was a very personal thing. I do understand that... But I also strongly believe that when someone knows the true God, they cannot keep Him a secret.

For some really sad reason, God has now become a very relative term. God to some is Jesus Christ, and to others.. Is Allah. But a true God-fearing Christian will say that Jesus Christ is the one true God! Why could Washington never proclaim the name of Jesus? That just seems somewhat off to me. Then again, it is very masonish (not a word) to do that. Correct me if I'm wrong... But didn't people from different faiths (Muslim and Christian's alike) get together and talk about God with one another? Thats wack! Dude, your "god" is Allah, but mine is Jesus Christ! We have absolutely nothing in common in the faith area. Justttt messed up!

Okay now for the convicting things I have realized about my life-living.

Last night my family and I went to watch the movie Defiance. I do not in anyway promote that movie... If you have a filter that will filter out the filthy language, then I totally recommend it! My point is not to tell you to go see it unless you have a way of avoiding the crap.. But anyways, the rest that wasn't crap was really, really, really eye opening. I don't want to ruin it for any of you all... But to me, that movie made history real to me. It gave me a new perspective on the annihilation of the Jews during WWII. I guess I had never considered that there were infact Jews who fought back. The convicting thing to me, I guess,, would be taking for granted the things that some people have never had. Here us Americans are living freely, but hardly living. And the Jews during that time... Had lost their right to be alive. What if our right to be alive was taken away? How would I live, holding onto life? Will I be more serious about the Lord's work? Will I be more concerned with the still, small voice; the leading of the Holy Spirit telling me where to go, as He leads? Theres something to chew on.

Comment if you have thoughts!

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Blessing of Journaling

When I was younger, someone once told me that it was really good to keep a journal and write down all the things God is speaking/showing to you. So... When I turned 13, I started journaling. I've never become very consistent in writing down absolutely everything that God has done or shown in me, but.. Last night I believe I have experienced the blessing of journaling. I pulled out two or three old journals (that were lost in the great black hole, that is.. my closet) that i forgot even existed. I always thought that looking back on previous journal entries, I would get mad at myself or frustrated at myself for how stupid i was.. For the mistakes I made and whatnot. Reading back, I noticed that I had the tendency to write down alot of the trials I experienced, even the failed ones. For some really lame (but cool) reason, it is now that I realize how much the Lord helped me overcome my evil desires for ungodly things and encouraged me with the promises that the Lord is in me, for me, and helping me at every moment (if i should ask.) It amazes me how intimately involved the Lord was in the very details of my life struggles. When I was discouraged, His word was like life to me, implanted in my heart... So if my mind might believe I'm not able to overcome, the word took authority in my heart and said- in Christ I have VICTORY. In Christ Jesus, I am enabled to do anything the Lord wills me to do.


Show me Your ways
Lead me in truth
I'm afraid of losing my sight of You
Show me Your ways
Lord, be my hope
How I'm so unworthy, so I may not boast

Deep in my heart theres a longing
For the Power and the touch of Your hand
And all I can do is cry out to You
As I'm sinking in this sand
With no power or might, I try to climb out
And I cry out for help, but my voice cannot shout
Show me Your ways, lead me in truth, please help me out
I truly believe that the Lord showed me that while I was so weak spiritually, His strength pulled me further in my walk with Him. His strength is made perfect in weakness. And I was really, truly weak. Its only when I'm "feeling" strong enough, that I forget to call on Jesus. Its now that I realize, when I feel strong, it is Christ's supply pulling further in the race and closer to the finish line. Let he who thinks he stands, take heed, lest he falls. How true is this verse!! How can we think that while we stand, we stand alone? That while we have victories, we can take any credit? It is Christ's supply, His wisdom, His strength, His word, His way, and His blood that He shed that enables me to follow Him. And when I fall, how can I ever forget? That the same Christ (the unchangeable one) that helped me overcome, will also help me climb out of the pit?

Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you.
Lets draw near. =)

Friday, January 9, 2009


Thank You Lord...


Your presence in my life
caring enough to know the number of tears i've cried
never giving up on me
being the perfect sacrifice
becoming my life
giving me nourishment from your living word
being merciful enough to draw near to me while i draw near to you
being my all in all

You are my life, my peace, my hope, and the joy of my life.

You make known to me that path of righteousness, and in it is fullness of life.

=) <3