Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Psalm to the Lord, if only I were more musically inclined..

The music begins as i fade into that place
My hands float up, as you whisper to me
How is it that You love me?
I recall the other day when I had no time to speak with You
Other things stole my attention.
Other worries swept me away,
Yet You came close to me. As You came near,
My throat began to have that achy feeling.

I feel ashamed for the times I felt like i knew best.
You still move. As You move You amaze me.
All those times I've betrayed You;
Yet Your love sweeps over me.
I know then there is no contest.
Truly, there is not one other being in this universe like You.
Theres not one soul who can know me like You do.
You are intimately acquainted with all my thoughts and intentions.

While You are near, I see how unclean I am.
How can one ever be proud when in the midst of Your presence?
Your character and Your wisdom leave me speechless.
You are so much more complex than I know.
You have this mystery about you that leaves me pondering at night.
In the pages of Your word lies sweet knowledge and wisdom.
In the prayer closet theres an intimacy this world can not duplicate.
You Amaze me.